Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
ULPGC is a modern institution with a long academic track record, committed to quality, efficiency and modernity. Research activities reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of its 15 centres, 1 ascribed centre, and 36 Departments: 12 in engineering and architecture, 11 in science and health sciences, 6 in social and legal sciences and 7 in art and humanities. ULPGC research includes cutting-edge projects in such wide-ranging subjects as oceanography, marine science, aquaculture, nutrition, ICTs, renewable energies, transport economy, business organization, town planning, translation, tourism, climate change, and the history of the Canary Islands.
ULPGC has been the coordinator of three Erasmus Mundus action 2Projects: CANEM (2012); CANEM II (2013) -Central Asian Network for Economics and Management; and UNetBA Project -University Network for Business and Administration- (2013). Also, the ULPGC was awarded eight projects under Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships and Erasmus + SPORT: MODCLIM Project (2014); UNICAH Project (2015); ReVET, MIND and PONCHO (2015) South-Asia, Central Asia and Latin America respectively; INSTART project with North-Africa region (2016); ARROW project with Mongolia (2017); and MOVE Project (2017).
Other projects in which the ULPGC has participated as a partner are:
- Erasmus Mundus action 2: TIMUR (2012); and IMPAKT (2013)
- Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships: ROAD project (2016), Brain Revealed; BrainIT; Playing Beyond CLIL (PBC); ArtiCULan and FITPED projects (2018).
In internationalization, ULPGC has a well-defined structure with a Vice-rectorate for Internationalization and Cooperation, comprising the Vice-Rector and four Directors. One for European Mobility, one for non-European Mobility, one for Cooperation and another for Linguistic Policy and Internationalization at Home. The Vice-Rector belongs to two Think Tank groups of the CRUE (Conference of Rector of Spanish Universities). All their work relies on the administrative work of two offices: one IRO and one Cooperation Office.
In the field of Climate Change, ULPGC is coordinator of several national and European projects actually, funded by Interreg Programme (ClimaRisk, Adaptares, Enermac, Islandap) and is also coordinator of an H2020 Research and Innovation Action ¨SOCLIMPACT¨ under the topic ¨Climate Change, Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials.
ULPGC has 7 research groups dedicated to Tourism research, composed of more than 70 researchers that form the University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (Tides). Tides Institute has research collaborations with 40 countries, within 18 countries are in Africa and Latin America, with a significant number of agreements and contracts with private companies and public administrations.
The Tides Institute has a relevant position as a scientific research centre worldwide:
- 1st research centre in terms of scientific productivity in Tourism and Hospitality in Latin America.
- 2nd most important centre in Marketing and Destination Management worldwide.
- 4th place in terms of scientific productivity in Tourism in Europe.
During the last 5 years, Tides Institute has been coordinating an interdisciplinary network on Climate Change (CC) and Blue Growth, composed of 24 European institutions (HEIs, public bodies, research organizations and SMEs), seeking to generate empirical knowledge on the socio-economic effects of CC in the context f islands and coastal regions, and promote regional low-carbon transition pathways.
Finally, according to the Shanghai ARWU - Academic Ranking of World Universities, the ULPGC is considered one of the five best universities worldwide, thanks to the impact of its tourism research.
OBREAL Global has a long experience in managing EU projects in conjunction with and beyond its university membership. This has primarily entailed EU educational projects under the LifeLong Learning Programme - EMA4 and EMA3 programmes – and currently the Erasmus+ programme and Horizon2020 - connecting higher education actors in Europe and Latin America and contributing to the further development of the Latin American Higher Education Space. For example, OBREAL Global has been a partner in the EMA3 ‘VALUE’ project and the ‘Cooperation for the Collaboration on Doctoral Education project (CODOC) which was a cross-regional project involving Asia, Southern Africa and Latin America.
OBREAL Global has been active in other cooperation fields in Latin America (Central America and Colombia), such as telecommunications, where it also receives EC funding. As a major structural project, OBREAL Global has co-coordinated, together with the European University Association, the ALFA PUENTES (2011-14) project that has gathered together more than 16 University Associations from LA and 5 from Europe in the objective of consolidating regional harmonisation in Higher Education. This project has been a predecessor project to CAMINOS (Erasmus+ CBHE, 2016-19), which built upon the outputs of PUENTES. OBREAL Global was also a partner on the project ‘HICA’, a structural project for Central America, funded by the Erasmus+ (CBHE, 2015-18) that aimed at supporting curricula reform and innovation. In 2018, OBREAL Global supported the Association of Colombian Universities (ASCUN) to win and co-coordinate the MIMIR ANDINO project (E+ CBHE) to modernise university management of innovation and research in South American Countries predicated upon European good practice in the European Research Area.
Currently, it also co-coordinates the VITAGLOBAL (E+ CBHE) project that will contribute to local development by enhancing study programmes in food science and, specifically, viniviticulture, which are of strategic economic importance in Europe, South America, South Africa and Georgia. In addition, OBREAL Global is currently leading a service Contract (Harmonisation, Quality and Accreditation Initiative 2: EAC/19/2019) to support the development of a harmonised quality assurance and accreditation systems for higher education at institutional level, national, regional and Pan‐African continental level. Moreover, OBREAL Global is launching a series of activities together with its members in India (the Indian Institutes of Technology) to generate Strategic South-South-North cooperation by promoting policy dialogue and research cooperation between institutions in India, Africa and Latin America. In addition to offering in-house expertise on topics such as internationalisation of higher education and mobility, ICT and digitalisation of universities, research management, entrepreneurship and academic innovation, OBREAL Global has extensive experience in leading project quality assurance and monitoring as well as EU grant management and dissemination campaigns.
Universitat d'alacant
The University of Alicante (UA) was founded in 1979. Being one of the youngest universities in Spain, the UA is also considered one of the most innovative and fastest developing in Spain. More than 30000 national & 3000 international students are enrolled in 7 Faculties offering more than 39 undergraduate and 78 postgraduate programmes. The UA is considered to be a point of reference for many companies to which it provides technical assistance, student training programmes and continuous programmes and has participated, as partner or coordinator, in a large number of international projects from different funding programmes, such as: TEMPSU, ERASMUS MUNDUS, Erasmus+, H2020, Horizon Europe, DAAD, COSME etc.
The UA is a dynamic university with strong international orientation. It has a wide network and cooperates with universities and other stakeholders from over 90 countries worldwide. UA has implemented a solid system of Innovation Support Measures: Research Promotion and Technology Transfer Office, Innovation Unit, and Institutional Project Management Office, with a department on Intellectual Property (IP) & Knowledge Transfer at the transnational level.
A total of 220 research groups are pursuing high quality research in varied fields of expertise. High quality research is also undertaken in the UA’s Research Institutes, including the Multidisciplinary Institute for Environmental Studies, the University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences, the University Institute of Materials or the University Institute of Tourism Research.
The University Institute of Tourism Research-IUIT at the University of Alicante was created in 2006 and in present has a long trajectory on tourism planning and management. One of the main research topics is Analysis, Planning and Management of Tourism Development. From assumptions of sustainability and competitiveness for local and regional systems, special attention is paid to the relationship between tourism and configuration of destination spaces, integration of tourism in the development model, tourism implementation and resource management, reorganization processes and renovation of tourist areas, strategies and public policies for the development of tourism and design of tourism and leisure products.
The Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism – CAST of the University of Bologna was established at the Rimini Campus in 2014 thanks to the collaboration of four Departments (Management -DiSA, Economics-DSE, Quality of Life Studies – QuVi, Statistical Sciences – STAT). Its mission is to promote advanced scientific research and professional training in the field of Tourism through a multidisciplinary approach.
The Centre follows a tradition of Tourism research started in Rimini by the University of Bologna during the 1960s. CAST is well known for the quality of its educational offer and its reserach projects which are possible thanks to the collaboration of a varied team of academics, who study any branch of Tourism.
Moreover, the Centre is member of many national and international networks. Among Others, it joins: the UNESCO/Unitwin "Culture, Tourism and Development" network; the University Network for Cultural Routes Studies; the European University NEtwork of Knowledge (EUNEK). It also promotes agreements with Universities, NGOs and Tourism research centres in the world.
University College Cork, (UCC) is ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide by QS and is ranked in the top 1% of universities for global impact. This ranking uses the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the framework by which to assess impact and UCC is very proud of its record in the advancement of the SDGS.
The Academic World Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) in 2021 rates UCC as the premier Irish university for highly cited researchers and UI Green Metric ranks the University as 9th in the world for sustainability, a position it has retained for the past five years. UCC's connected curriculum includes global reach and innovative engagement with international partners.
The Asociación Colombiana de Universidades -ASCUN-, is a private non-profit institution founded in 1957, which promotes the principles of academic quality, university autonomy, search and dissemination of knowledge and social responsibility. It integrates the academic community at national and international level through mechanisms of interrelation and associativity, and generates processes of interlocution with the State and society.
It is currently made up of 94 higher education institutions, including universities (79) and colleges (15), 59 private (non-official) and 35 public (official) institutions, including military, denominational and business institutions, among others.
Through its institutions, it contributes 92% of accredited enrolment; 92.4% of teachers with doctorates; 83% of postgraduate enrolment; 81% of university enrolment in the country's higher education system.
Similarly, the Association has 9 university academic networks that work collectively on thematic actions such as: university social responsibility, entrepreneurship, internationalisation, university welfare, Spanish as a foreign language, reading and writing, university extension, communicators and graduates.
universidad nacional de colombia
The Universidad Nacional de Colombia is a university entity with full autonomy linked to the Ministry of National Education, with a special regime, of a public nature and belonging to the State. It performs non-administrative functions aimed at promoting, on behalf of the State and under its promotion, the development of higher education up to its highest levels, encouraging access to it and stimulating teaching, research, science, artistic creation and extension, in order to achieve excellence. Because of its national character and in order to fulfil its mission of contributing to the identity of the nation in its diversity, the Institution is made up of nine branches or campuses located throughout the national territory (Caribbean, Bogotá, Manizales, Medellín, Orinoquia, Palmira, Tumaco and De La Paz).
universidad de caldas
The University of Caldas is a public institution of higher education located in the department of Caldas - Colombia. Its headquarters are located in the city of Manizales - Colombia, a city located at the top of the Andes mountain range, which is part of the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is accredited by the Colombian Ministry of Education as a high quality university.
The University of Caldas is the oldest and most prestigious university in the region and has contributed significantly to its academic, economic, cultural and scientific development. The University offers 29 undergraduate programmes and 69 postgraduate programmes in its 6 faculties: Arts and Humanities, Hard and Natural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Legal and Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering. Thanks to its 5 Research and Technological Development Centres and Institutes recognised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Centro De Desarrollo Tecnológico Planta Bioprocesos Y Agroindustria, Instituto De Investigaciones En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanas -ICSH-, Instituto De Investigaciones En Estratigrafía -IIES-, Centro De Estudios, Sobre Conflicto, Violencia Y Convivencia Social -CEDAT-, Centro De Investigaciones E Innovación, Desarrollo Tecnológico Y Transferencia De Tecnologías - CI2DT2), which are part of international research networks, its 77 research groups and its 11 journals (8 of which are indexed in category A1, A2, B and C of Colciencias), the University of Caldas is ranked 12th in the U-Sapiens ranking and is in the process of becoming a third-generation university, where innovation is a fundamental factor. The University has 6 campuses in Manizales and 3 farms for academic training and agricultural and livestock production, as well as a regional headquarters in La Dorada - Caldas.
The total built-up area is 72,904 m2, including 11 buildings for academic, research and administrative activities, as well as complementary areas such as student residences, gymnasium and health services. The University has 13,622 students, of which 3,916 are studying regional programmes and 748 are postgraduate students.
The University of Cartagena has been the training space for young people in the Colombian Caribbean since the 19th century. Its history and its importance are expressed since the dawn of independence and in the dream of the liberators Simon Bolívar and Francisco de Paula Santander, organizers of the new Colombian State. They envisioned education as the ideal for the formation of the new generations that lead the destiny of the Republic.
The University of Cartagena maintains its leadership, social recognition and academic prestige with programs in different disciplines and sciences, institutes and research groups that promote social transformation in the region, leading educational projects of masters and doctorates of the highest quality.
The University has understood that to be up to date, like the slogan, we must take on the challenges imposed by time. For this reason, not only, at a distance through information technologies, but also, it has appropriated them from radio and television; thus, encourage their development to integrate their academic projects with the communities. The University has been consolidating itself as one of the most important institutions of higher education in the country, and with a broad international projection. For this, it works in the continuous improvement of its academic, investigative, administrative, financial processes, of social projection, technological development, internationalization; with a clear link to the social, political, cultural, environmental and economic development of Cartagena, Bolívar, the Caribbean region and Colombia.
University of Cartagena has been part of different consortia related with the improvement of the higher education in Colombia (CENIVAM, Colciencias, WWF, DOW Chemical).
University of Cartagena promotes integral and sustainable agricultural development and the conservation of the environment, through the training of competent graduate and postgraduate professionals (Master and doctorate), with ethical, moral values and environmental culture. University of Cartagena develops science, scientists and technologies in accordance with the demand of the productive sectors, to which they are also provided technical training and access to agricultural information.
In the fields of Climate Change and Tourism, the University of Cartagena has a master's degree in Environmental Sciences and a doctorate in Environmental Toxicology, in which it involves the subjects of Climate Change focusing on different aspects that comprise it, from the management of the water resource, alimentary security, management and risk management, sustainable tourism, even environmental health, among others. For the development of these programs, the SUE CARIBBEAN network was created, which involves all public universities of the Colombian Caribbean coast, as well as agreements or research networks with other universities abroad Purdue Universirty, Michigan State University, University of Glasgow, Helmholtz Zentrum Für Infektionsforschung, Institute of Complex Systems, Cellular biophysics (ICS-4), University of Puerto Rico, among others.
UNIVERSIDAD autonoma de chiriqui
The Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí is an autonomous, official and state higher education institution, of a popular nature, dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge, research and comprehensive, scientific, technological and humanistic training, open to all currents of thinking and committed to regional and national interests.
Our mission is contribute to the comprehensive training of professionals, capable of participating and generating changes in national and international development, through administrative management, teaching, extension, research and innovation.
Our vision is being an educational institution, committed to academic excellence, positioned among employers and the community in general with entrepreneurial, critical and innovative initiative, in compliance with national and international standards.
The University of Panama was founded in 1935. It currently has 19 Faculties, 10 Regional University Centres, 5 University Extensions and 27 University Annex Programmes. In other words, it has a national presence. It is the main, oldest and most important university in the country; it has graduated great professionals that have been required throughout history.
Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca
The Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca (UAO) is a private university that belongs to the International Network of Regnum Cristi Universities (RIU).
Its mission is to train people and integral professionals who exercise positive leadership inspired by the values of Christian humanism, characterised by the development of entrepreneurial and technological skills for the benefit of the individual and society in a global environment.
Its academic quality stands out, 67% of the High Academic Performance Programmes (CENEVAL) in the entity belong to the UAO.
It shares its identity and mission with the Network of Anahuac Universities (RUA) as a Catholic institution of higher education, promoted and advised by the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Movement which, as a university community, seeks at all times the truth and the common good.
Universidad autónoma del estado de quintana roo
The University of Quintana Roo (UQRoo) was founded on May 31, 1991 as a public centre of higher education dedicated to the training of professionals in areas of knowledge directly related to the problems of the local and regional environment, as well as to the generation and application of new knowledge and the promotion and dissemination of science and culture.
The central offices of the University are located in the city of Chetumal, capital of the peninsular state of Quintana Roo. It is divided into two academic units (North and South Zone), and these in turn into 4 campuses (Chetumal, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen and Cancun) which are located in the most densely populated cities of Quintana Roo.
Universidad nacional de mar del plata
The National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP), placed at Mar del Plata city, Argentina, has a history of more than 50 years. The UNMdP’s community includes more than 35000 students, 3000 teachers, 1500 researchers and 830 staff members; also, 1500 students graduate each year. The university trains qualified professionals in Social, Health, Human, Basic and Applied Sciences. It is a public, autonomous, autarkic and co-governed institution. The UNMdP its the 5th university of the country regarding scientific production levels and it has more than 30 Institutes and Research Centers and more than 450 research groups.
The University is committed with the fortification of international collaboration networks with the aim to contribute to the strengthening of human and scientific development, prioritizing the rational and equitable use of natural resources while preserving the environment.
Regarding the tourism phenomenon and its link with climate change, UNMdP is one of the first educational institutions to offer professional and academic training in tourism in Argentina with a sustainability-based approach. Tourism career belonging to UNMdP is one of the oldest in Argentina created more than 57 years ago. It is worth highlighting that the subject is approached by the UNMdP in different instances, for example:
- undergraduate curriculum: there are different specific courses that addresses the climate change and tourism-related matters: Natural Resources, Tourism and Nature, Environmental Management, among others;
- graduate programs: the university offers a Master Degree in Sustainable Tourism Development where the phenomoenon of climate change is addresses from a tourism-based perspective and also in Phd courses in Sciences (Biology Area) addressing urban, shores and beach ecology;
- groups and institutes that lead climate change and tourism related research programs: Marine and Coastal Researches Institute (UNMdP-Conicet); Coast Geology Institute (UNMdP-CIC); Ecological Economics (FCEyS), among others;
- within the outreach projects that the UNMdP financed each year, there is a specific lines related to Environment, Ecology and Sustainable Development. These projects incentivize the work in the topic with particular emphasis on the regional level;
- the UNMdP signs 350 annual technical assistance and development agreements with companies, NGOs and public sector. Among the institutions that work alongside with UNMdP in topics related to CLIMAR are: Municipal Tourism Entity, Undersecretary of Tourism of the Province of Buenos Aires, Ministry of Tourism of the Argentine Nation, Chamber of Businesses of Spas, Restaurants and Related, NGO Mar del Plata Entre Todos, College of Professionals in Tourism of the Province of Buenos Aires. Moreover, there are different groups researching in ecology in cities located on the coasts of Buenos Aires Province. Some of them including protected areas.
Universidad nacional de cuyo
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCuyo) is a national public university, which provides teaching services, research activities and transfer its services to the local community. UNCuyo attends more than 30.000 students with an academic staff of 4.030 professors. It offers more than 73 graduate careers and 79 postgraduate courses in the areas of humanities, social sciences, engineering, basic sciences, and medical and fine arts fields. The Strategic Plan defined in 2012 is umbrella under which all actions of the university take place.
Regarding research projects, the universities finance on a biannual basis 620 projects from all disciplines. Additionally, projects with specific links with the industry are financed. International research projects are also present, mainly through bilateral agreements and resources from calls such as RISE, Marie Curie, among others. Since the 2019 call the international component of research has been defined as one central issue and a special incentive is defined when these foreign links are present. However limited effect can be tracked.
In the late nineties, UNCuyo started a strong internationalisation process. UNCuyo is affiliated to AUGM, AUIP, AUF, UDUAL and OUI. Regarding international mobility the institution funds more than 500 student mobilities and more than 100 faculty staff per year. For each faculty staff mobility the researcher or teacher has to define a specific project that can include training, research or outreach. Reduced impact on research results has been verified in these international opportunities.