Synergies meeting between CLIMAR project and Sustainable Development Solutions Network SDSN

CLIMAR has been present in the meeting of the SDSN Managers. Dr. John Barimo, from the UCC University College Cork (one of the partners of consortium developing CLIMAR), was in Paris in the last week of April participating in the SDSN Managers meeting.

Synergies meeting between CLIMAR project and Sustainable Development Solutions Network SDSN

The SDSN is the acronym of “Sustainable Development Solutions Network”, a non-profit created in 2012 under the auspices of the United Nations to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local, national and international levels. It has near 2.000 in more than 55 networks across 144 countries, with offices in New York, Paris, and Kuala Lumpur. It aims to mobilize expertise, knowledge, and resources from academia, civil society, businesses, and governments to accelerate progress on the 17 goals.

In the meeting Dr. Barimo had with the SDSN managers from the LAC region, they discussed the CLIMAR project and especially the project event that was taking place that week in Ireland. The SDSN Managers expressed great interest in CLIMAR, especially from Bolivia, the Andean Region, Chile and the Caribbean Region, so the results of the project and its possible extrapolation to these other interested regions in Latin America and the Caribbean will be followed up.

The main aim of the CLIMAR project is to link inter-disciplinary research, innovation and knowledge transfer to higher education curricular development and continuous professional training, so as to prepare the tourist sector to best face climate change and to mitigate its impacts. Which is of particular relevance to the SDGs of greatest concern to the LAC region.

Synergies meeting between CLIMAR project and Sustainable Development Solutions Network SDSN